A Catholic Parent’s Tool Box: Raising Healthy Families in the 21st Century
With almost 20 years of experience counseling children and families, Dr. White knows how to break down the tough topics into bite size pieces for families. Practical advice, actionable tips, and comforting stories combine to give parents exactly the tools they need to learn: How to fearlessly form your kids in the faith, How to simplify the family schedule and keep your sanity, How to discipline your kids (and not feel guilty), How to raise thankful children, How to make your kids gracious winners, How to be a married couple and parents at the same time (and why it matters). All parents face challenges, but Catholic parents have a unique opportunity – the ability to weather any storm with the grace that comes from their Catholic faith. And a bit of help from A Catholic Parent’s Toolbox.
Owner: Lisa Bright
To borrow this book, please email Lisa at info@pastoralministrynetwork.org with your name, postal address and contact phone number.