A New Way To Be Church: Parish Renewal from the Outside In
Building on the legacy of the Catholic Church’s robust historical witness, the inspiration of Pope Francis, and his own experiences as parish minister, Catholic Worker member, and founder of JustFaith Ministries, Jack Jezreel presents a unique vision for renewing parish life. He argues that a true “Vatican II” parish knows that ministry is done by everyone, everywhere, not exclusively by clergy and not primarily on parish property. Jezreel ties this to Pope Francis’ vision of a community of missionary disciples and the call of “encounter.”
Leavened throughout by reflections on scripture and the author’s own experience of family, parish ministry, service, and work for social justice, the book concludes with a practical guide for implementing these principles in your own parish.
Owner: Lisa Bright
To borrow this book, please email Lisa at info@pastoralministrynetwork.org with your name, postal address and contact phone number.