Living the Sacraments: Finding God At The Intersection of Heaven And Earth
Too many Catholics view the sacraments as isolated rites of passage disconnected from daily living, hoops to jump through, rather than as gateways to fulfilling lives centered on a spiritual relationship with God. Such a misunderstanding distances Catholics from the heart of their spiritual vitality and renders the Church less relevant to their experience.
In his friendly, practical, and accessible style, best-selling author and master teacher Joe Paprocki opens up this critical aspect of Catholic life in Living the Sacraments. He presents the sacraments as a spiritual path. Their power and grace open our hearts to ongoing encounter with God. By inviting readers to delve into the mystery of God’s self-revelation through the sacraments, by teaching the essence of each sacrament without being overbearing, and by inviting readers to reflect the divine image of God, Paprocki shows us that the sacraments allow us to experience God’s presence in Church rites and through ordinary, tangible experiences. We can, and should, celebrate the sacraments–but we are transformed as we live them.
Owner: Lisa Bright
To borrow this book, please email Lisa at info@pastoralministrynetwork.org with your name, postal address and contact phone number.