The Next Generation of Pastoral Leaders: What the Church Needs to Know
This book, based on a survey conducted by the renowned late sociologist Dr. Dean Hoge, provides a unique glimpse into the thinking and attitudes of young Catholic adults as it relates to careers in pastoral ministry. The findings contained in The Next Generation of Pastoral Leaders are essential for anyone in Catholic ministry to understand if the Church is to successfully develop both lay and ordained pastoral leaders for the future, and, more immediately, if the Church is to involve young people in parish life and campus ministry today. Looking closely at what hundreds of young Catholics think about the faith, what they like and don’t like about the Church, and other key issues on their minds today, this book should prove instrumental in guiding pastors and pastoral planners, vocation directors and ministry program directors, to a new way of visioning and developing strong future leaders in the Catholic Church.
Owner: Lisa Bright
To borrow this book, please email Lisa at info@pastoralministrynetwork.org with your name, postal address and contact phone number.