Creating Community in a Virtual World

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The COVID-19 pandemic threw a curve ball and our communities were left wondering how do we keep connected with people when we weren't able to gather physically. Our church responded to Pope Francis' message in Lent 2020, “...thought and spirit can go far with the creativity of love.” This workshop will focus on the diverse […]

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Community Engagement

Family Ministry: Connecting Life and Faith

Pope Francis’ message in this “Amoris Laetita Family” year “is to communicate…that today a new look at the family is necessary on the part of the Church.” He went on to say that there are two aspects at the heart of all family ministry: “the frankness of the proclamation of the Gospel and the tenderness

Community Engagement

Newsletter – June 2022

Each month, we are updated on the latest in Catholic ministry both in the Oceania region and internationally. We share the joys and challenges from communities and inform you of the latest offerings from PMN and other networks. Enjoy and be sure to CONNECT with your own stories! This month we feature all the highlights

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