Newsletter – March 2022

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Each month, we are updated on the latest in Catholic ministry both in the Oceania region and internationally. We share the joys and challenges from communities and inform you of the latest offerings from PMN and other networks. Enjoy and be sure to CONNECT with your own stories!

Highlights from this edition:

  • Meet John France
  • A different way of doing parish leadership
  • Liturgy on the Margins
  • Oceania Pastoral Ministry Webinar | 15th March
  • More about Alive in the Spirit

More To Explore

Justice, Peace and Ecology

Engaging Parishes in Supporting Refugee Families

Many Australians want to be more personally involved in welcoming and supporting refugees, but have few meaningful avenues through which to help. A new model – the Community Refugee Sponsorship Initiative has been piloted involving Catholic parishes and is likely to launch in 2022. The model encourages volunteers to form a group under the auspices

Community Engagement

Family Ministry: Connecting Life and Faith

Pope Francis’ message in this “Amoris Laetita Family” year “is to communicate…that today a new look at the family is necessary on the part of the Church.” He went on to say that there are two aspects at the heart of all family ministry: “the frankness of the proclamation of the Gospel and the tenderness

Looking to go deeper or Seeking more Support?

drop us a line and keep in touch